Memorial Park

29401-, 29535 W Eleven Mile Rd,
Farmington Hills, MI 48366


Memorial Park provides residents of Farmington Hills with a place to honor and recognize friends and family members who have passed away.

Located at the corner of Eleven Mile and Middlebelt Roads, Memorial Park’s primary purpose is to provide residents with a place for peaceful reflection. Throughout the past several years, Memorial Park has been completely refurbished with new landscaping, sidewalks, and a granite memorial, all of which add to the natural beauty of the setting.

Along the Memorial Park pathway, specially paved areas feature bricks available for purchase as a memorial. With a donation of $100, individuals or groups may purchase a brick to be inscribed with the name or commemorative message of their choice. (Please note that the individual being memorialized or the person purchasing the brick must be a current or former Farmington Hills resident.)

In addition to brick pavers, other items available for purchase at Memorial Park include trees, benches, and birdhouses to be placed throughout the park.

The Farmington Hills City Council approved a recommended price list for items in Memorial Park. The approved prices are as follows:

Type Availability Location in Park Engraving Location Charge / Ea.
Bricks Unlimited On paved areas On brick $100
Trees 50 Throughout park Granite directory and plaque at site $1000
Birdhouses 6 Throughout park Granite directory and plaque at site $3000
Benches 6 Throughout park Granite directory and plaque on bench $5000

All of the money from items purchased for Memorial Park will go into a Memorial Park General Fund. This fund will be used to maintain Memorial Park and to help offset the costs of keeping up the park in future years. Costs associated with purchasing an item also go into the delivery, placement, and upkeep of the item in perpetuity. Included in the purchase of benches, trees, and birdhouses is the cost of inscribing the name of the honoree on the granite memorial rock and on a plaque at the site of each installation.

For more information on Memorial Park, please call (248) 473-1805.